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04/01/2021 – New BAR Training Video

Good Morning County Directors.
At the most recent RPTAC meeting, the county director representatives asked ORPTS to offer a 2021 statewide BAR training in light of potential COVID challenges.
President Don Weber and ORPTS CRM Aaron Lesch-VonRandall (Central Region) collaborated to develop a video that you can use for your trainings this year and in future years.
The video runs for 2 hours and 52 minutes, and it includes the mock BAR videos that you may have used in the past. You have the option to use this video for your BAR training.
Note: The video is hosted on YouTube, but is not available to the general public. You must use the link to access the video.

  • Watch the new video

If you prefer to present the training yourself, we’ve updated the two versions of the PowerPoint on our website. Most significantly, we updated the STAR-related slides to accurately reflect the current STAR program, and we modernized the design of the slides.

Thanks to Don and Aaron for their work to produce the new video!
For the BAR training materials and schedule, see: BAR training.
