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New York City assessors

New York City assessors are required to become State certified. The State Office Real Property Tax Services adopted training and certification rules for New York City assessors (§8188-8) defining the minimum qualification standards and basic course of training for City assessors.

Article 3, Title 3, sections 350-364 of the Real Property Tax Law require assessors in the City of New York to become State certified.

Section 354(3) of this title addresses obtaining a waiver of the basic course of training. If you are a City assessor who wishes to apply for a waiver of the basic course of training, please apply in writing to the address below and include:

  1. a cover letter specifically requesting certification pursuant to RPTL 354(3).
  2. the application form
  3. your resume
  4. a copy of any relevant training certificates

You may be required to submit additional information concerning your training.

Basic training courses for City assessors will be coordinated between ORPTS and the city.

If you have questions, please call 518-474-1764 or e-mail Educational Services.
