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Assessment Community Weekly 09/30/2019

The Weekly E-Newsletter of the Office of Real Property Tax Services

Welcome to all of the newly appointed assessors and county property tax directors across the state! And congratulations to all of you who have been reappointed!

This newsletter is our primary means of communicating statewide with you – the Assessment Community. Please give it a read each week.

If you have new colleagues who are not receiving our weekly emails, please direct them to

New webpage for first-time assessors and directors

To help new assessors navigate the wide, wild, and wonderful world of property tax administration, we’ve launched a new webpage: Welcome new assessors and county property tax directors — Start here.

But much better than online content, the ORPTS customer service teams are here to assist you. Get to know your liaisons, and don’t hesitate to reach out when you have questions or need assistance.

In addition, if you have questions about the STAR credit or property tax relief credit for your homeowners, give our Assessor/Director Hotline a call at 518-457-9053 weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Recent Mailings

To administer the STAR program and property tax relief credits, we sometimes send letters to some homeowners from whom we need additional information. While we try to encourage property owners to call us, rather than contacting you, we know they sometimes take our letters to you. We try to make you aware of the larger mailings.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sending the income worksheets and cover letters below to some homeowners. To determine the amount of their property tax relief credit, we need additional income information from these property owners.

If contacted by a property owner about the worksheet or cover letter, please direct them to the number on the letter – 518-453-8146.

  • RP-5302-WS cover letter
  • RP-5300-WS worksheet
