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Form MT-456, Alcoholic Beverages Tax Return

Beginning with returns due January 20, 2021, if you're a registered distributor, you can electronically file your alcoholic beverages tax returns and accompanying attachments using our Alcoholic Beverages Tax (ABT) Web File.

Why Web File?

Benefits include:

  • automatic calculation of amounts due
  • ability to schedule payments (up to the due date)
  • instant filing confirmation

Did we mention ABT Web File is free and requires no additional software?


If you don’t already have a Business Online Services account, create one now to get started. (Watch our Business Account Creation demo to learn how.) Otherwise:

  1. Log in to your Business Online Services account.
  2. Select the ≡ Services menu in the upper left-hand corner of your Account Summary homepage.
  3. Select Other taxes, then select Alcoholic beverages tax web file from the expanded menu.


View the ABT Web File demos, below, for step-by-step instructions on how to successfully complete your return.

Video: Alcoholic Beverages Tax Web File Demonstration for Registered Distributors

Video: Alcoholic Beverages Tax Web File Demonstration for Registered Distributors

Video: Alcoholic Beverages Tax Web File Demonstration for Direct Wine Shippers

Video: Alcoholic Beverages Tax Web File Demonstration for Direct Wine Shippers

Important debit block information

If you have debit blocks on your bank account—even if you already authorized sales tax payments to the Tax Department—you must communicate with your bank to specifically authorize your alcoholic beverages tax payments. Your bank will process only these authorized transactions. For more information, see ACH debit block information.

Not ready to file electronically?

Continue to paper Form MT-456Alcoholic Beverages Tax Return, its instructions, and paper Form MT-456-ATT, New York City Taxable Liters of Liquor and Gallons of Beer.
