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Credit summary

While we covered what seems like a lot of different credits, there are many more that you might qualify for depending on your circumstances. For a full listing, see Income tax credits. For more information on the credits covered in this module, see:

Credits for New York residents

Earned income credits

  • Earned income tax credit: Form IT-215Claim for Earned Income Credit, and its instructions
  • Noncustodial parent earned income tax credit: Form IT-209Claim for Noncustodial Parent New York State Earned Income Credit, and its instructions

Credits related to children

Credits related to elder care

Credits related to home or farm ownership

Other common credits 

  • College tuition credit: Form IT-272Claim for College Tuition Credit or Itemized Deduction, and its instructions (only available in English)
  • Volunteer firefighters' and ambulance workers' credit: Form IT-245, Claim for Volunteer Firefighters' and Ambulance Workers' Credit

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