Credit summary
While we covered what seems like a lot of different credits, there are many more that you might qualify for depending on your circumstances. For a full listing, see Income tax credits. For more information on the credits covered in this module, see:
Credits for New York residents
- New York State household credit
- Real property tax credit: Form IT-214, Claim for Real Property Tax Credit, and its instructions
- New York State resident credit: Form IT-112-R, New York State Resident Credit, and its instructions (For taxes paid to a Canadian province, see Form IT-112-C, New York State Resident Credit for Taxes Paid to a Province of Canada, and its instructions.)
Earned income credits
- Earned income tax credit: Form IT-215, Claim for Earned Income Credit, and its instructions
- Noncustodial parent earned income tax credit: Form IT-209, Claim for Noncustodial Parent New York State Earned Income Credit, and its instructions
Credits related to children
- Empire State Child Credit: Form IT-213, Claim for Empire State Child Credit, and its instructions
- Child and dependent care credit: Form IT-216, Claim for Child and Dependent Care Credit, and its instructions
Credits related to elder care
- Long-term care insurance credit
- Nursing home assessment credit: Form IT-258, Claim for Nursing Home Assessment Credit
Credits related to home or farm ownership
- Clean heating fuel credit
- Form CT-241, Claim for Clean Heating Fuel Credit, and its instructions (for corporations)
- Form IT-241, Claim for Clean Heating Fuel Credit, and its instructions (for all others)
- Farmers' school tax credit
- Form CT-47, Claim for Farmers' School Tax Credit, and its instructions (for corporations)
- Form IT-217, Claim for Farmers' School Tax Credit, and its instructions (for all others)
Other common credits
- College tuition credit: Form IT-272, Claim for College Tuition Credit or Itemized Deduction, and its instructions (only available in English)
- Volunteer firefighters' and ambulance workers' credit: Form IT-245, Claim for Volunteer Firefighters' and Ambulance Workers' Credit