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Initial tax map approval procedures

The following outline provides a process for initial tax map approval's.

  1. The Tax Mapping Unit (TMU) will contact non approved counties/towns/cities and request existing plans with completion schedules and time lines be submitted to ORPTS within thirty days. The TMU will review work plans and determine if appropriate progress has been made. If so, the TMU will continue to monitor project(visits, written follow-up) for a successful completion and move to step two. ( If the project is not moving ahead satisfactorily, move to step three).
  2. Regional staff will be contacted by the TMU and briefed on the initial approval process. The TMU will coordinate with the regional "county liaison" to plan the tax map reconciliation process, which places the new tax map numbers(s-b-l) on the assessment roll.
  3. The TMU will discuss projects that do not have approved plans with legal. If county/town/city does not respond, Legal reviews project for appropriate action. The TMU and regional liaisons will work with legal to provide necessary information.
  4. The TMU will update it's tax map approval database and applicable status maps with current approval information.
  5. The TMU will report annual tax map approval status to the LIS Director on or prior to the first of February.

This procedure is established pursuant to RPTL, section 503 and 20 NYCRR 8189.


Email: GIS
