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STAR Privacy Notification

The right of the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance and the Department of Taxation and Finance to collect and maintain personal information, including mandatory disclosure of social security numbers in the manner required by Department regulations, guidance, instructions and forms, including this registration process, is found in the New York State Real Property Tax Law, subdivision 14 of section 425, and in the New York State Tax Law, in section 171-u, as well as 42 USC 405(c)(2)(C)(i).

Such information obtained through the registration program will be used primarily to confirm eligibility under the School Tax Relief (STAR) program, and for any other purposes authorized by law.

Failure to provide the required information will subject you to the loss of the STAR benefit.

The information collected is maintained by the Office of Real Property Tax Services, NYS Tax Department, WA Harriman Campus, Albany, NY 12227.
