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Assisting seniors who missed the exemption application deadline

There are five provisions of the law that generally allow seniors to file exemption applications after taxable status date. Three of the options relate to the senior citizens exemption, and two relate to Enhanced STAR.

Local options to extend the filing period for the senior citizens exemption

Each option to extend the deadline for the senior citizens exemption requires adoption of a local law.

Provisions to extend filing period for the senior citizens exemption
Subdivision of RPTL 467 New or renewal applications Who reviews and approves applications Date of extended deadline Cause of late applications
Subdivision 5-a New or renewals Assessor Grievance day Death of an immediate family member, or serious illness of the applicant or a family member that can be documented by a physician
Subdivision 8 Renewals only Assessor Grievance day Any cause
Subdivision 8-a Renewals only Assessor Last day to pay taxes without interest or penalty "Good cause" as determined by the local assessor

Extending the deadline for late Enhanced STAR applications

The options below do not require adoption of a local law.

Provisions to extend the deadline for late Enhanced STAR applications
Subdivision of RPTL 425 New or renewal applications Who reviews and approves applications Date of extended deadline Cause of late application
Subdivision 6-e New Assessor Grievance day Death of an immediate family member, or serious illness of the applicant or a family member that can be documented by a physician
Subdivision 6-a(2) More information New New York State Department of Taxation and Finance Last day to pay taxes without interest or penalty "Good cause" as determined by the commissioner

