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Withholding tax forms 2023–2024 - current period

The instructions and publications on this page are only for filings before changes to withholding tax and wage reporting take effect, currently scheduled for March 21, 2025.

To review form instructions, publications, and upload layouts for filings after the changes take effect, see Forms and publications changes for withholding.

To receive a notification when these changes take effect, subscribe to Withholding tax emails. For an overview of the upcoming changes, see Significant changes coming to withholding tax and wage reporting.

Important information regarding scheduling withholding tax payments and e-filing first-quarter 2025 returns

Due to the upcoming changes to withholding tax and wage reporting, you cannot currently schedule payments for dates after March 20, 2025, or electronically file first-quarter 2025 returns. When our changes are live, you will be able to resume scheduling payments and begin electronically filing first-quarter NYS-45 returns.

If you need to report you permanently ceased paying wages subject to withholding prior to March 20, 2025, you must submit a paper Form NYS-45, Quarterly Combined Withholding, Wage Reporting, and Unemployment Insurance Return.

Withholding tax forms 2024–2025
Form number Instructions Form title
IT-2104 (Fill-in) (2025) IT-2104 (Instructions) Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate  
IT-2104-E (Fill-in) (2025)  Instructions on form Certificate of Exemption from Withholding 
IT-2104-IND (Fill-in) Instructions on form New York State Certificate of Exemption from Withholding (Native Americans)
IT-2104-MS (Fill-in) Instructions on form New York State Withholding Exemption Certificate for Military Service Personnel
IT-2104-P (Fill-in) Instructions on form Annuitant's Request for Income Tax Withholding
IT-2104-SNY (Fill-in) (2025) Instructions on form Certificate of Exemption from Withholding for START-UP NY Program 
IT-2104.1 (Fill-in) Instructions on form New York State, City of New York, and City of Yonkers Certificate of Nonresidence and Allocation of Withholding Tax
NYS-1 (Fill-in) NYS-1-I (Instructions) Return of Tax Withheld
NYS-45 (1/19) (Fill-in) NYS-45-I (1/21) (Instructions) Quarterly Combined Withholding, Wage Reporting, and Unemployment Insurance Return (for calendar quarters beginning on or after January 1, 2019)
NYS-45-ATT (1/19) (Fill-in) NYS-45-I (1/21) (Instructions) Quarterly Combined Withholding, Wage Reporting, and Unemployment Insurance Return - Attachment (for calendar quarters beginning on or after January 1, 2019)
NYS-45-X (1/19) (Fill-in) NYS-45-X-I (1/19) (Instructions) Amended Quarterly Combined Withholding, Wage Reporting, and Unemployment Insurance Return (for calendar quarters beginning on or after January 1, 2019)
NYS-50 Employer's Guide to Unemployment Insurance, Wage Reporting, and Withholding Tax
Withholding Tax Computation Rules, Tables, and Methods
NYS-50-T-NYS (1/23) New York State withholding tax tables and methods. This publication contains the wage bracket tables and exact calculation method for New York State withholding. The tax tables and methods have been revised for payrolls made on or after January 1, 2023.
NYS-50-T-NYC (1/18) New York City resident withholding tax tables and methods. This publication contains the wage bracket tables and exact calculation method for New York City resident withholding. The tax tables and methods have been revised for payrolls made on or after January 1, 2018.
NYS-50-T-Y (1/23) Yonkers resident and nonresident withholding tax tables and methods. This publication contains the wage bracket tables and exact calculation method for Yonkers withholding. The tax tables and methods have been revised for payrolls made on or after January 1, 2023.

other forms
Form number Instructions Form title
NYS-100 Instructions on form New York State Employer Registration for Unemployment Insurance, Withholding, and Wage Reporting
NYS-100A Instructions on form New York State Employer Registration for Unemployment Insurance, Withholding, and Wage Reporting for Agricultural Employment
NYS-100G Instructions on form New York State Employer Registration for Unemployment Insurance, Withholding, and Wage Reporting for Governmental Entities
NYS-100IT Instructions on form New York State Employer Registration for Unemployment Insurance, Withholding, and Wage Reporting for Indian Tribes
NYS-100N Instructions on form New York State Employer Registration for Unemployment Insurance, Withholding, and Wage Reporting for Nonprofit Organizations
NYS-209 Instructions on form Instructions for Electronic Media Reporting of Employees Hired or Rehired
TR-150.5 Not applicable Important Filing Reminders for Forms NYS-45 and NYS-45-ATT (for calendar quarters beginning on or after January 1, 2019)
TR-150.6 Not applicable Important Filing Reminders for Forms NYS-45 and NYS-45-ATT (for calendar quarters beginning before January 1, 2019)

Other information

