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Assistance for those who are deaf, DeafBlind, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability

The Tax Department offers direct telephone assistance to those who are deaf, DeafBlind, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability. Choose the technology that works best for you. Whether you use your desktop, laptop, cell phone, tablet, or telecommunication device for deaf persons (TDD), or reach out to us by telephone, we're here to help!

If you use TDD (also known as TTY)

If you use a telecommunication device for deaf persons (for example, text telephone or teletypewriter), you can contact the Tax Department through the New York Relay Service. This relay service is available in English-to-English and Spanish-to-Spanish.

Dial 7-1-1 for the New York Relay Service.

If you use Voice Carry-Over (VCO) or Hearing Carry-Over (HCO) services

Get access to VCO and HCO operators at the New York Relay Service. Give the operator the telephone number that pertains to your specific tax matter.

Dial 7-1-1 for the New York Relay Service. 

If you use Internet relay services (IP Relay)

IP Relay lets you communicate with the Tax Department using your desktop computer, laptop, cell phone, or tablet. Enter the telephone number that pertains to your specific tax matter. Then, you'll type what you want to say to our tax representative and the operator will relay the conversation over the internet.

The mobile application is compatible with Android-powered devices running 6.0 or higher and iPhones versions iOS 9 or higher.

Visit IP Relay

What to do before you call

Before you call, we encourage you to explore our website for easy access to our popular online resources and services.


The Tax Department strives to provide appropriate utilities and services leading to effective communication for qualified persons with disabilities. To learn about other services New York Relay offers, visit New York Relay Services 711. For more information and related topics, see:

Office of the Chief Disability Officer

Office of the Chief Disability Officer

Office of the Chief Disability Officer

Notice under the Americans with Disabilities Act

Notice under the Americans with Disabilities Act

Notice under the Americans with Disabilities Act

Grievance Procedure and Complaint Form

Grievance Procedure and Complaint Form

Grievance Procedure and Complaint Form